There’s a light at the end of the 3.0 tunnel that Mylyn committers have been in—the light is a fast approaching train called Ganymede. Here’s a status update for both early adopters and integrators. Since last June’s Mylyn 2.0 and Europa release we’ve had three releases, and the ecosystem around Mylyn has evolved from a handful of connectors to nearly two dozen. Since the Mylyn 2.3 release we have been focused on incorporating integrators’ feedback in order to produce the revised Mylyn 3.0 APIs. Below is a summery of the Mylyn 3.0 endgame for interested early adopters and API integrators.
Early Adopters
Once Ganymede RC1 is released next week you can start experimenting with Mylyn 3.0. However, note that your connector may not be ported, and as such we do not recommend updating your Eclipse until you know that the connector you are using has been ported. Once Mylyn 3.0 RC3 is released on June 4th we would like as many early adopters to move to it as possible, and will post the list of available connectors at that time.
Mylyn 3.0 will support both Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4, and as such will replace Mylyn 2.x. The Mylyn 3.0 APIs are much simpler, encapsulate considerably more common behavior in the framework and expose much less internals (in part thanks to the great API tools in Eclipse 3.4). This means that extensions will be more robust and easier to implement and maintain. We will be working on the Javadocs and Porting Guide next week, so for projects outside of, RC2 or RC3 is a good time to start porting. The release schedule has had no significant changes since July. We will continue incorporating integrator feedback, and the best place to track progress and make general comments is bug 227660.
Tasks API
The JIRA connector has been ported, and Bugzilla will be ported by next week. Due to the extent of the changes with org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core
, and the benefit of having connectors ported as soon as possible, we will be offering additional porting assistance. If you’re interested in closer assistance, let us know via bug 227660.
Context API
The changes in the Context API are straightforward, and you may be able to do most of the bridge porting by organizing imports, then looking to the Java bridge, and referring to the porting guide if needed. We will update the porting guide with the answer to any question that comes up, so please don’t hesitate to ask as it will help others. The bulk of the changes here had to do with simplifying the API and hiding internals.
Team API The changes are minor and porting should be straightforward. The bulk of the changes had to do with ensuring that Team extensions could be redistributed without requiring Team/CVS or the Eclipse SDK. Happy hacking!