Vision and Trends

At Planview, our vision is simple: to help organizations realize their resource potential. This PPM Vision and Trends category is all about thought leadership. Read about what Planview thought leaders are saying about the work and resource management market as it relates to PPM, work collaboration, and enterprise architecture. We’ll also provide information on industry news, trends, and company stewardship. Whether you are seeking a sneak peek at our product lineup or curious about our latest innovation push, Visions and Trends contain a wide range of information. We’ll help you get your arms around the changing landscape and how to better understand the forces at work and the pace of disruption. We can even help you re-assess how to attack your toughest resource challenges and how to stay on top of new certifications.  

Better Together: Planview and Cherwell Join Forces

Partnership highlights power of Planview Portfolio Management and Cherwell ITSM to help joint customers better achieve their strategic and operational goals Like the human brain, an organization can rewire itself in response to disruptive events, creating new models for connecting strategy and delivery. There’s a renewed urgency here, and Planview is committed to helping our...

Dynamic Planning and Rapid Reprioritization: Resilience Amid Disruption

Dynamic planning has taken on new depths of meaning recently as we react to unprecedented developments on a daily and even hourly basis. At Planview, we get it: You are being forced to make quick decisions that could have long-lasting consequences for your employees, customers, and shareholders. You must apply the agility and flexibility you’ve...

Announcing the Flow Framework™ Catalyst

Since publishing Project to Product at the end of 2018, one of my biggest frustrations has been seeing organizations investing significant time and resources in reinventing the wheel. To those who considered the digital transformation failures summarized in the book, it was obvious back then that there was little runway left before we started seeing...

Capturing Actuals in 2020: Who Said Timesheets are Passé?

“Timesheets are passé.” “Nobody wants to do a timesheet!” “Agile teams don’t report time!” But… “All of this capitalization stuff is being pushed very hard by finance.” “[So we need] rigorous timekeeping against work.” You may be thinking that I’ve collected these quotes from a variety of Planview customers, but the reality is that these...

5G and the Workplace: What Project Managers Should Know

Fact: the future is 5G. More and more mobile manufacturers and carriers are implementing 5G technology, which means very soon, it will become a staple of the workplace. This will be a big change for project managers and just about every professional, but it comes with a lot of benefits. If you’ve been wondering how...

From Planview AdaptiveWork CEO Boaz Chalamish: Planview AdaptiveWork is Committed to Maintaining Business Continuity During the Coronavirus Outbreak

At Planview AdaptiveWork, our focus has always been on people: helping them succeed by making work more manageable as businesses become increasingly complex at accelerated rates while markets continue to change at dizzying speeds. Naturally, inventing and innovating groundbreaking technology is a big part of our vision and story. But we have never lost sight...

Planview Viz Launched, Conquering the Cost of Delay 

At Tasktop, our mission is to help enterprises and governments catalyze the shift from Project to Product, enabling them to innovate, survive and thrive in the Age of Software. Today’s launch of Planview Viz is a big landmark on that journey, allowing us to help many more organizations accelerate their mastery of software at scale...

Planview AdaptiveWork and McAfee Partner to Make Securing the Cloud Stress-Free

Every organization, no matter its industry or location, is under constant attack by cyber thieves and hackers. These bad actors are relentless, and a successful attack can result in a data breach that costs an enterprise its trust and reputation and millions of dollars in damages. So it’s no surprise that a recent survey paints...

PI Planning in an Agile Marketing Go-To-Market Team

In mid-2019, I shared some insights into the early stages of Planview’s internal Agile transformations. I discussed how, like our customers, we are experiencing the impact of the changing world of work and are navigating those changes. We are now nine months into the transformation of our Agile marketing go-to-market (GTM) value stream and just...