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DevOps Teams, Hantering av värdeströmmar

Viva Las Vegas: Tasktop at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2018

Publicerad By Laurel Heenan
Viva Las Vegas: Tasktop at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2018

It seems like only yesterday that the Tasktop team was wrapping up DevOps Enterprise Summit London in June. Yet in less than two weeks, we’re back and ready to rock ‘n’ roll in Las Vegas once again to help attendees to accelerate the business value of their software delivery.

DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas 2018 (October 22-24, 2018, The Cosmopolitan), Tasktop (Booth 201) will explain why it’s time to go beyond CI/CD by adopting an end-to-end value stream approach to software delivery.

In terms of optimizing the “build and deploy” stages of software delivery, Agile and DevOps have been a success, enabling priority features to be built and released into production faster than ever. But what about what happens before and after a product has been built and deployed? By looking outside of DevOps/release stages, Tasktop can help organizations to:

  • Scale their DevOps transformations
  • Greatly improve their time to value (TtV) of their software delivery
  • Visualize flow to find bottlenecks/root causes of sub-optimal performance
  • Glean flow metrics for continuous improvement

Speaking sessions for your diary 

As you mentally, physically, and emotionally prepare for DOES Las Vegas in the coming week or so, don’t miss:

Monday, October 22 – 1:55 PM – 2:25 PM – Nolita 2

Project To Product: Practical Realities at Large Scale Enterprises
Nicole Bryan, Tasktop & Kevin Fisher, Nationwide Insurance

Monday, October 22 – 5:25 PM – 5:55 PM – Chelsea

Project to Product: How Value Stream Networks Will Transform IT and Business
Mik Kersten, Tasktop

Tuesday, October 23 – 11:25 AM – 12:25 PM – Mont-Royal 1

Connecting IT to the Business at BMW Group
Carmen DeArdo, Tasktop & Rene Te-Strote, BMW Group

Tuesday, October 23 – 12:05 PM – 12:35 PM – Chelsea

Making Connections Visible: How to defrag your value stream 
Dominica DeGrandis, Tasktop

See Tasktop in Action

How does Tasktop create a connected, visual, and measurable value stream! Join Senior Pre-Sales Engineer, Mara Puisite, on Wednesday, October 24 at 1:10pm in the Belmont Corridor for a product demo. (Bonus: by attending you’ll be entered to win an Amazon Echo or a complimentary ticket to Tasktop Connect 2018.)

The Launch of Project To Product

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Tasktop CEO, Dr. Mik Kersten, will preview and sign 500 copies of his new book, Project To Product: How to survive and thrive in the age of software with the Flow FrameworkBe one of the first to access this novel during the IT Revolution Book Signing on Tuesday, October 23 at 7:15pm in the Chelsea Foyer. Pre-order is also available for the official launch on November 20, 2018. Make sure you use the hashtag #ProjectToProduct to share your thoughts and feedback!

Dominica DeGrandis signing copies of Making Work Visible

Dominica DeGrandis, the legendary DevOps thought leader and Director of Digital Transformation at Tasktop, will also be signing copies of her book Making Work Visible.  Dominica’s book signing was immensely popular at the London iteration of DOES in June, so make sure you get there early – she’ll be signing books alongside Mik on Tuesday, October 23 at 7:15pm in the Chelsea Foyer.

BMW Group & Tasktop

Tasktop customer, BMW Group, is one of the primary inspirations behind the Project To Product book. Head to the Belmont Corridor throughout the conference to check out the BMW i8 in person. Don’t forget to attend Carmen DeArdo and Rene Te-Strote’s presentation on Tuesday, October 23 at 11:25am in Mont-Royal 1 to learn how BMW Group is using Tasktop to connect IT to the business.

Magert kaffe

A common complaint about most meetings is that they are boring and unproductive. Lean Coffee aims to change that. Sponsored by Tasktop and facilitated by Dominica DeGrandis and other DOES18 speakers, Lean Coffee provide an opportunity to participate in in-depth discussions with DOES speakers and other attendees on relevant DevOps topics. Participate on Monday or Tuesday at 3:15pm in the Chelsea Foyer.

One-on-one meetings

Not sure when you can swing by the Tasktop booth (#201) to learn more about Tasktop or have your technical questions answered? No problem. Schedule an on-site meeting before you arrive at a time that works best for you.

Can’t attend DOES this year?

You know what they say: what happens in Vegas, does not stay in Vegas. Request a highly-customized demo of how Tasktop can help you connect your end-to-end value stream or contact us directly for more information.

See you in Vegas!

Want to know more about thinking “Value Stream” and “Beyond CI/CD”?

Click the image to download e-book
Click image to download e-book

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