Hantering av värdeströmmar

Värdeflödeshantering (VSM) i programvaruleveranserna är en kritisk metod för att lyckas i dagens digitala landskap. Den systematiska metoden för att mäta och förbättra flödet hjälper organisationer att förkorta tiden till marknaden, öka genomströmningen och förbättra produktkvaliteten. Denna bloggkategori för VSM ger pedagogiska insikter, bästa praxis och råd från Planview och branschexperter om hur du kan ta itu med de begränsningar eller problem som du möter i livscykeln för leverans av mjukvara för att uppnå bättre affärsresultat.

Cultural breakthrough: 5 change management tips to support your digital transformation

Digital transformations typically demand major shifts in thinking, processes and behavior across the organization. It’s rarely, if ever, easy – especially when it comes to scaling and sustaining the transformation. Inevitably there will be a cultural shift, especially when you consider all the moving parts: the software delivery teams, the product owners, the multiple business...

The Flow Framework™ – Treating risk items as a security cost

In the Flow Framework™ there are four flow items that provide value to the end-user of your product: Features (new business value) Defects (quality) Technical debt (removal of impediments to future delivery) Risk (security, governance, compliance) A software organization must devote time to each flow item as they are all crucial to a strong product....

How to drive customer obsessed Product Development

At Tasktop our Product, Engineering and UX teams operate under a single umbrella called ‘Product Development’ to make all our value streams “customer-obsessed”. Our teams do not work in silos or a single project, rather they are focused on optimizing the value stream for a single product – such as Tasktop Integration Hub – to...

How enterprises can successfully scale Agile development

Are organizations seeing the benefits of Agile at scale? Depends on who you ask. Enterprises in the UK, for example, spend 37 billion pounds ($47 billion USD) a year on failed Agile IT projects. And around a third of Agile transformations partially fail, according to the same report. On the other hand, there are inspiring...

The Four Flow items as explained by my car

We have a long drive ahead, 12 hours in fact, and it will only take us a short way along the Eastern coastline of Australia. Having just arrived back from Tasktop HQ in Vancouver, BC where we have been discussing the Flow Framework™, I’m excited to tell my passengers (my wife and family) about the...

Why Your Organization needs a Value Stream Architect … TODAY!

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets” – W. Edwards Deming Technology in business allows organizations to improve both the performance and overall effectiveness of products, systems and services, which, in turn, enables businesses to meet anticipated goals more quickly and efficiently. Tech, coupled with the right minds and culture, is also the linchpin of innovation, enabling traditional...

What’s the difference between Value Stream Management and Value Stream Mapping?

“Value Stream Mapping and Value Stream Management are highly complementary. They look at delivering value from a whole systems perspective. The former exercise can kick off, or be part of, an ongoing Value Stream Mangement practice.” – Dominica DeGrandis, Director of Digital Transformation, Tasktop This time last year Forrester Research declared the “time is now”...