Varför en bra projektplan är bra för projektets framgång

Det är ingen hemlighet att projektledning har sina utmaningar, och en av dem är att kunna kommunicera projektplaner och framsteg på ett enkelt och lätt sätt som alla kan förstå. Du vill att alla ska vara på samma sida och att komplexa projektdata ska kunna omvandlas till tydliga insikter. Ett projekt är dock ofta...

How PM Trends Impact the Way You Work

From time to time we like to share our thoughts about major trends we see in the PM market. While the demand on project managers to deliver on time and on budget is never going to go away, we hope our insight into PM trends will help make your job just a little easier. Agile...

Hur du räddar PM-team från silohelvetet

No Project is an Island Every project is a new adventure into potentially unknown territory, where people may not (literally and figuratively) speak the same language, wear the same clothes, or view their business world through the same data lens (literally!). Culturally siloed groups may be the result of regional locations, functional issues, historical norms,...

Flow Efficiency – Where is the Waste in Your Software Delivery Process?

“If you measure anything, measure wait time” – Dominica DeGrandis, Making Work Visible A major part of Flow Metrics is tracking all the work that goes into planning, building and delivering a product for the business. Just as it’s important to track how much value you’re delivering, how long work is takin, and how much...

Are You Trying to Do Too Much in One Sprint?

One of the most important elements of the Scrum methodology is the “sprint.” This is a pre-defined amount of time, usually between one and four weeks, within which a certain number of tasks connected to a project are set to be completed. The sprint kicks off with a sprint planning session on Day One, where...

Stärka team genom att främja färdigheter i kritiskt tänkande

Decentralized leadership offers a lot of benefits, such as increased decision velocity, faster reaction times and more targeted actions and projects. Empowering teams to take greater control of their direction and decision making requires greater critical thinking in the workplace. Unfortunately, however, according to a major survey of over 60,000 managers, it is precisely critical...

Turning Software Delivery Data into IT and Business Intelligence

Turning software delivery data into IT and business intelligence is nothing new; it’s the 21st-century gold rush. Yet getting to this level of maturity is a herculean undertaking, especially for IT organizations looking to obtain accurate cross-tool reporting that provides them with business-critical insights into their software delivery. For many, obtaining the one source of...

SAFe® 5.0 Tillgänglig nu

Den senaste versionen av Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 5.0 utvidgar ramverket till att omfatta även affärsverksamhet och agilitet. "Affärsmässighet uppstår när hela organisationen - affärs- och teknikledare, efterlevnad, utveckling, ekonomi, juridik, marknadsföring, drift, försäljning, säkerhet och support - använder Lean- och agila metoder för att kontinuerligt och proaktivt leverera innovativa affärslösningar snabbare...

How Businesses are Addressing the Skills Gap

Lower unemployment is a basic economic goal for any nation, but it also has an unexpected downside that can make an economy a victim of its own success. That is, the better it does, the fewer people there are to fill necessary jobs to maintain productivity. This skills gap is something the US is currently...