5 Anledningar till att du inte bör försöka bygga ditt eget verktyg för flödesmätning

Over the last year, restaurants (like most companies) have been forced to think creatively about how they continue to serve customers without physical interaction. In the UK, many of our favorite food outlets, from the delicious pizzas of Franca Manca to the high-end Indian delights of Dishoom, are creating bespoke packages to enable us to...

The Value Stream Management Consortium (VSMC): A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

I am excited to write about a new strategy to help organizations adapt more effectively to the intensified digital-first world. From improving time-to-market to operating more efficiently as an organization, software-driven innovation has never been more critical to business success; software has gone beyond accelerating everything we do to actually being what we do. That’s...

Varför är kostnadsberäkning så viktigt (& Hur kan jag bli bättre på det?)

As a project manager, it’s impossible to underestimate the importance of cost estimation when it comes to successfully completing a project. Before even approaching a project, it’s important to get a handle on cost estimation to help keep you on task and in touch with project constraints and limitations. Why Cost Estimation in Project Management...

Scrum: Everything to Cover in Your Sprint Review

Sprintar är hörnstenen i Scrum-projektledningsmetoden. Sprintar är de tidsenheter under vilka teamet fastställer och prioriterar vissa uppgifter från produktbackloggen, tilldelar dem ägarskap och definierar tidsramen för när de ska vara färdiga. När sprinten är avslutad är nästa steg Scrum-sprintgranskningen, som ger deltagarna möjlighet att...

What is PPM Software (& How Can It Help Me?)

It’s rare for a company to focus on a single objective, serve a single client or undertake only one project at a time. After all, this would hardly be conducive to building clientele, expanding operations and diversifying for continued growth, stability and profit. That said, seeing even a single project through to completion can be...

Service Businesses: Balancing Profit and Innovation Isn’t a Pipe Dream

Som ett professionellt tjänsteföretag är vinsten det viktigaste. Med höga vinstmarginaler kan du utveckla din verksamhet och tillgodose nya kundbehov när du vill. Utan vinst är du i en ständig kamp för att hålla dig flytande. Men du har inte heller råd att ha en tunnelseende. Vid sidan av vinst måste du upprätthålla en hög servicekvalitet, innovation,...

Vad är skillnaden mellan Project & Portfolio Management?

If we take a closer look at successful enterprises and the way they operate, it becomes clear that their growth and establishment in the market is never a result of mere chance, rather it is the final outcome of various forces working together successfully. These invisible forces that operate in the background of each enterprise...

Agil projektledning för företagsprojekt: En introduktion

The concept of agility, once confined to the world of software development, is making its way into the broader world of project management. As more organizations begin to see the improvements in efficiency and communication that Agile Methodology can deliver, business agile is transforming industries from manufacturing to marketing. If your organization is interested in...

Hur man gör en projekttidtabell som fungerar

The ability to plan is what defines an effective project manager, and one of the key pillars of that plan should be the timeline. Creating a project timeline is like drawing out the map before the voyage – it sets the goals and limits of the project’s duration so that teams can stay on-course (and...