Kom med oss 8/19 till vårt innovationsforum i Dallas med Sprint & Cambia Health

With great innovation there often comes a great deal of collaboration, and that’s why we’re excited to invite you to our next big innovation event, taking place in just one week! Join Mindjet, along with co-hosts Sprint and Cambia Health Solutions, at our next Innovation Forum on Tuesday, August 19th at the Hotel ZaZa in...

Agile 2014: Agile swims into the big sea

We’ve just wrapped up the Agile 2014 conference in Orlando, Florida, sponsored by Tasktop. One of the overall themes shouting the loudest at this year’s event is Enterprise Agile. Agile has enjoyed tremendous success at the team level and attention continues to turn toward making Agile work at larger scales. Agile 2014 featured a track...

Office Space 2: Miltons uppgång

Jason Bloomberg från Forbes skrev nyligen några artiklar om det aktuella läget för företagsarkitektur. I sitt första inlägg, Is Enterprise Architecture Completely Broken?, undersökte han om företagsarkitektur är helt trasig, en fråga som inte sällan hörs i vår bransch. Vi diskuterar ofta den föränderliga världen av företagsarkitektur på Troux-bloggen, och...

Innovationspipeline: Den slutgiltiga utvecklingen av företagens förslagslåda

At the heart of any successful innovation process is the ability to capture and execute great ideas. So many organizations believe that ‘innovation’ is an ambiguous, serendipitous thing that’s both unpredictable and unmanageable; coupled with the pressure to continuously destroy boundaries and have breakthroughs, this belief is intimidating and stifling. Fortunately, it’s also unfounded. AT&T’s...

Tasktop 3.6 released: IBM DOORS, Jama, integrating things

Nothing catches the technologist’s eye like an elegantly designed gadget, with software and hardware flowing together in design harmony. The trouble is that traditionally, the way we build software and the way we build physical things have had very separate lifecycles. The V-Model of systems engineering provides the predictability needed to assemble little things into...

Innovationsvaluta: Att satsa på folkmassans visdom

As the banking sector undergoes continual reform, its leaders are bracing themselves for job cuts they suspect will occur over the next three years. Stakeholders will most likely be taking an introspective look at existing challenges, and trying to find new customer propositions that will improve digital banking and reinvent the customer experience. Empowering the...

Slå värmen inomhus: En läslista för produktutvecklare under sommaren

It’s hot outside here in Texas. If you’re like me, you probably prefer to avoid 100+ degree conditions and instead bask in climate controlled air while reading, cooking, or spending time with family. While you’re cooling off indoors, I encourage you to bookmark and read some fantastic content published throughout this year – all relevant...

Resurserna är intäkter för tjänster på fältet och professionella tjänster

Hur forskning, analytiker och experter har nått samförstånd om teknikkrav för tjänsteföretag Under Field Services Summit presenterade Planviews expert på tjänstemarknaden, Steve Beaumont, sin rapport Resources as Revenue, som är en sammanställning som binder samman den senaste forskningen från Aberdeen Group, Service Performance Insight, WBR-Field Services Europe och Technology Services Industry...

Samarbetsinnovation i realtid: Från andel av sinnet till andel av marknaden

A couple of weeks ago, a favorite client of mine approached me about facilitating a Rapid Planview IdeaPlace at his office. This client, a strong advocate for the practice of collaborative innovation as a means of helping his organization find meaning in trends, wanted to pursue a Rapid Planview IdeaPlace to give his colleagues a “taste”...

Find the Strategy Hidden in Your Portfolio – Enrich Consulting

The purpose of portfolio management is to select a set of projects that best fits the company strategy. However, ask three senior executives in your organization for the company’s strategy, and you may well hear three different answers—if you get any answers at all. Strategy, it turns out, is an elusive beast, especially the well-crafted,...