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Introducing Planview AdaptiveWork Panels

Publicerad By Team AdaptiveWork

Clarizen’s configuration platform allows you to create a vast array of business rules, custom actions, and custom fields to help automate business processes, customize Planview AdaptiveWork to meet your needs, and most importantly, have workflow processes collaborated between all members of your team as well as your clients.

We at Planview AdaptiveWork pride ourselves on being, in addition to the best work management app, the ultimate work collaboration platform available today, and strive to uphold this statement.

Our newest innovation, Planview AdaptiveWork Panels, helps achieve just that … and much more.

Planview AdaptiveWork Panels allow you to visualize any data, internal or external to Planview AdaptiveWork, embedded as a panel in a view or even as its own module, enabling Planview AdaptiveWork to become your one-stop shop platform for all the mission critical information you need in order to get the work done quickly and easily.

Using URLs, HTML code and javascript, as well as contextual access to Planview AdaptiveWork data fields, related items, customization functions and even web APIs, you can now integrate virtually any information your business ever dreamed of having at a glance.

Main Business Value

  • Visibility – visualize any information you require at a glance in order to get the information you need from any place within Planview AdaptiveWork. For example:   key insights panel on a project, project burn down chart, organizational chart, maps, etc.
  • Accessibility – gives you in context access to Planview AdaptiveWork and non-Planview AdaptiveWork information that you need in order to get the job done. For example: access to your help site from Planview AdaptiveWork’s main navigator, incorporating a widget from other system, “launch pad” panel for important custom actions, and much, much more

Endless Possibilities Start Here

Example 1: Embedding Widgetized Planview AdaptiveWork Data

Planview AdaptiveWork lets you share Roadmaps, Gantt charts and even entire views as widgets. Any of these can be saved into panels or even custom pages to elevate their exposure.

For example, below, you can see a new page that was added to the main navigation panel with an interactive roadmap of the organization’s main portfolio, allowing any employee to see it at a glance.

This page behaves like any other module in Planview AdaptiveWork, so the administrator can decide where and to whom it’s visible, and users can decide to use it as their landing page.

Setting this up is as simple as copying the Share screen URL and adding to the URL section at the end of the Custom Panel setup. It really is as simple as that.

Example 2: Embedding Planview AdaptiveWork screens more centrally

Some Planview AdaptiveWork data is exposed as linked screens although you may want to make them more visible to some users. An example of this is the Team Board which is used by organizations working with Agile/Scrum methods. Some sets of users, like team members, may prefer to work primarily with the Teamboard, rather than from within the Work Plan views.

We’ve updated the popular Teamboard app on our Apps Marketplace and it now contains the Teamboard as a Custom Panel so you can create Teamboard views to improve usability for board-centric users.

You can download the Teamboard from the Apps Marketplace which includes this Custom Panel. To make sure it only shows on relevant Projects, we’ve included a “Project Methodology” field – setting this field to “Agile” will control whether the Panel is shown or not.

Example 3: Presenting Planview AdaptiveWork Data in new ways

You can employ Planview AdaptiveWork Panels in the same fashion to display any type of information relevant to your users, internal or external to Planview AdaptiveWork… You can use it to show help links and widgets from other systems, to have quick access to one of Planview AdaptiveWork’s views or to create a brand new page using HTML and javascript.

Another nice example is a detailed project view, where you see the most important information quickly and easily.

Two Planview AdaptiveWork Panels were used to create the detailed view below:

The “Project Financial Highlights” Panel incorporates conditional formatting to show how a project is doing financially (with green indicating positive values and red indicating values that are below a defined threshold). Just like any other panel in the system, the information can be filtered to include any data important to your organization and only visible to the relevant people in your team.

The “Burndown Chart” Panel displays the burn down chart of the project, which gives a graphical representation of the work left to do on a project over time. This allows you to view your project’s expected burn rate vs. its actual rate at a glance.  In much the same way, you can use Planview AdaptiveWork Panels to visualize any information in Planview AdaptiveWork in any chart format.

Now let’s look at some examples of how information external to Planview AdaptiveWork can be displayed in context. In the customer detail page below, you can see we added the company’s informative video embedded from YouTube, their  twitter feed and a google map showing the headquarters’ location, all displayed in one easy to read view.

Example 4: Interacting with Data in Planview AdaptiveWork Panels

Planview AdaptiveWork Panels can be used to update information in Planview AdaptiveWork. In the user view below, you can see an organizational chart displaying the direct manager, team, and direct reports of a team member. But that’s not all – you can actually drag and drop any of the people in the chart, e.g. to indicate a managerial change and the information will be updated in Planview AdaptiveWork. Install the Org Chart app from the Apps Marketplace to take advantage of this functionality.

Org Chart is available for download via the AppsMarketplace.

Example 5: Visualizing Planview AdaptiveWork Data in Interactive Google Maps

Some more advanced capabilities can be used by combining or “mashing” Planview AdaptiveWork data with external data services.

Google Maps has a some powerful and elegant capabilities for aggregating multiple data points on a map, including legends and additional data from Planview AdaptiveWork and we’ve published the Google Map page to present active Projects, though this can modified.

When there are too many data points in a single area, the data point markers are clustered to improve map legibility, and clicking on a map marker will show a pop-up data card of different data from the relevant project. You can use as is, or use this as a reference for working with different formats of data.

If you have Javascript capabilities in-house, you’ll be able to easily modify the map query to extract data from Customer or Tasks objects and configure the data you want to display on the pop-up cards.

Note that for this advanced maps query, you will need to register for a free Google Maps API token.

You can get started with the Maps app here. Like we said, the possibilities are nearly endless – if you envisioned it, it can be done!

Want to try it for yourself?

Visit Planview Planview AdaptiveWork Integrations and Add-ins to learn how to get started with Planview AdaptiveWork Panels, or contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance. We will be releasing additional panels and via in the Planview AdaptiveWork App Marketplace, where you will be able to enjoy them with a click of a button.

If you are interested in sharing your own custom panels on the App Marketplace, you can simply create an App and publish it for review and publication.

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