Product Portfolio Management

Innovation is all about focusing and optimizing the product portfolio so you can get products to market at the right time and cost. Topics we’ll explore in the Product Innovation blog category range from ideation management to product launch and product end-of-life. Experts will provide recommendations to take your innovation strategy and delivery process to the next level. You’ll get tips for picking the right projects, prioritizing good projects, and aligning them with strategy. Take your innovation strategy to the next level with information on improving time to market to maximize resources, funding, and time. Get tips from other customers on how they improved transparency to pick the right projects and kill the bad projects early. You will also be able to access ground-breaking research and fresh insights on how capacity planning can accelerate business innovation while lowering risk.

Three Ways to Mature Your New Product Development Process

For many organizations, making data-driven decisions on picking winning products and improving time to market is not easy. When it comes to prioritizing the right new product development (NPD) projects, organizations reach a point where they can no longer turn to spreadsheets and shared file systems to manage the idea-to-launch process. Product development leaders tend...

Advancing Product Innovation: Why Right Size is Better than Supersize

We may take great pride in everything being bigger and better in our great home state of Texas, but things they are a’changin’. (Tips cowgirl hat with a wink.) Seriously. Why would you want to buy more house than you can afford? Why would you want to order more food than you can possibly eat?...

It’s Official! Gartner Take on Product Portfolio Management and Product Lifecycle Management Convergence

Mark the date – February 16, 2017. On this day Gartner published research officially proclaiming the need for CIOs to embrace Product Portfolio Management. “Manufacturing CIOs must invest in product portfolio management to provide decision makers with a structured, objective process for defining and adhering to corporate strategies and supporting programs. We explain how PPM...

Stop Wasting Developers’ Time: Why Resource and Demand Visibility Matters

We’ve all been there: the meeting, the hallway chat, the email that renders weeks or months of hard work moot. This is how things are, sometimes. Strategies shift. Priorities change. It’s frustrating, but it’s not like this is the only thing taking up a developer’s time. Consider the status reporting, emails, meetings, documentation, and so...

What is Resource Management and Capacity Planning and Why Should You Care?

I’ve been writing, speaking, and advising for some time now about the importance of resource management and capacity planning, but I realize it is time to step back and define what this truly means in layman’s terms… First, some foundation. What is resource management and capacity planning? When we refer to resources in this context of...

Think Resource Management and Create a Funnel, not a Tunnel

In the first part of this two-part series, “How to Get Away with Murder: Killing Projects Before They Ruin Your Portfolio” I encouraged innovators to courageously commit cold-blooded murder of the ideas and projects that do not achieve the objectives and strategies of the product portfolio based on thoughtful and calculated portfolio criteria all in...