Les cinq meilleures pratiques en matière de gestion des ressources

Despite a widespread acceptance of projects that end up behind deadlines and over budget, there is a surprising lack of motivation to change how projects are organized or to take preventative measures. A study in the Harvard Business Review, found that the average cost overrun was 27%, which is a business-changing margin of difference. Similar...

The Power of Progress Trend Analysis

Every task, milestone and project in Planview AdaptiveWork features two invaluable parameters that are usually not used to their full potential – these are ‘expected progress’ and ‘% complete.’The following article demonstrates how careful observation of these two parameters, and the relations between them, provides actionable intelligence and insight to any project. The ‘expected progress’...

5 Ways to Turn Conference Calls into Effective Meetings

Move over, email. Step aside, cubicles. Take a hike, undersized parking lot. There’s a despised new addition to the ENTERPRISE LEAST WANTED LIST, and it took a Planview AdaptiveWork survey to force it out of the shadows and into the spotlight: conference calls. About the Survey The aforementioned survey, which was conducted online by Harris...

How to Manage and Make the Most of Your Marketing Assets

In the digital sphere, it can often seem like the world is awash with too much content, yet quality content is still king and shines through the mass of poorly produced work. McDonald’s isn’t about to create a campaign around a random picture of a burger taken by one of their executives; a quality burger...

Failing Fast Is Fine—If You Fail Right

Silicon Valley’s “fail fast” mantra has become gospel in recent years. Its evangelists promise failure, defined as a series of product tests and tweaks, leads to success. They urge failing fast, failing forward and failing often. They pepper TED talks with failure confessionals, and let’s not forget FailCon, an entire conference dedicated to the concept....

Best Practices for Managing Incoming Work Requests

Project managers wear many hats and they are expected to perform as a jack-of-all-trades. Efficiently fielding incoming work requests is what makes somebody an excellent team leader. To manage a project efficiently, the project manager needs to be able to prioritize work as it flows in. Project management best practices (and what creates the foundation...

How You Know You’re Spending Too Much Time on Excel

Ever get the feeling that you’re spending way too much of your time working on Excel? There can be a myriad of other facets to your professional life but whenever you think of a day at work it always seems to consist of jumping from one spreadsheet to another. To the point that when people...

10 Pratiques des membres d'équipe hautement efficaces

I hope this blog is occasionally read by team members as well as project managers. Maybe you’re a team leader trying to figure out your project manager. Maybe you have a special interest in team dynamics and team management. Maybe you’re just nosy. Maybe your project manager was so inspired by one of my posts...

Gestion des ressources & Ce que cela signifie pour votre équipe

Your resources are whatever is needed to complete a project, including people, finances, technology, physical space and time. Resource management is thus planning the usage of those resources in such a way that will guarantee project success. While it may be common enough to give individual employees license to manage their own time better, managing...

Pourquoi 2018 est une excellente année pour créer une entreprise au Royaume-Uni

Malgré les nombreux problèmes liés à l'avènement prochain du Brexit et au départ du Royaume-Uni du puissant bloc commercial qu'est l'Union européenne, les choses semblent encore très prometteuses pour ceux qui envisagent de créer une entreprise au Royaume-Uni. Le pays compte aujourd'hui 5,7 million de petites entreprises, un...