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Bullseye Charts for Complex Landscapes – Enrich Consulting

Publié le par Richard Sonnenblick

Innovation-driven firms are always on the lookout for effective new ways to communicate the nuances of their product pipeline and competitive position to management, analysts, and the product teams within R&D. While the pipeline charts offered within Enrich Analytics have become a go-to best-practice for our clients, we noticed a few companies building radial charts to describe their portfolios when the number of products, competitors, or market segments became excessive. These charts were painstakingly built within Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator, and took many hours to create, refine, and curate as the landscape evolved.

Enrich now offers bullseye charts as a standard part of both Viewport and the Enrich Analytics Platform. Now users of Enrich Analytics can build these information-dense visualizations in seconds, with just a few clicks of a mouse.

These charts have two advantages over a standard rectangular pipeline or landscape chart:

  1. They can accommodate many more market/product segments as arcs around the bullseye than is possible on the y-axis of a pipeline chart
  2. With more room in the outer rings of the bullseye, they are well-suited to development life-cycles with extensive attrition that generally have fewer items plotted in the inner rings

To learn more about bullseye charts, watch our short (less than four minutes) video below. We look forward to your feedback on these visualizations and the role they play in your portfolio and competitive analyses.


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Rédaction du contenu Dr. Richard Sonnenblick Chief Data Scientist

Chief Data Scientist de Planview, Richard Sonnenblick possède une solide expérience acquise auprès d'organisations majeures des secteurs pharmaceutiques et des sciences de la vie. Fort de son expertise, il a développé d'excellents processus de priorisation et de revue de portefeuilles, systèmes de scoring, et méthodes d'évaluation et de prévision financières pour améliorer à la fois les pronostics produits et l'analyse de portefeuilles. Richard Sonnenblick est titulaire d'un doctorat et d'un master en ingénierie et politiques publiques de l'université Carnegie Mellon, et d'une licence en physique de l'université de Californie à Santa Cruz.