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Le quadrant de la capacité : Quatre clés pour améliorer la planification des ressources

Publié le Par Jerry Manas

Organizations often cite resource management as their most overwhelming challenge. Despite the best-laid plans, they just can’t get a handle on getting the right people available at the right time. Because of this, they sometimes resist taking on new projects and products for fear of the ability to deliver. Or worse, they take on unlimited demand, managing as if they have infinite capacity. Improved resource planning seems impossible.

These organizations need a clear picture of resource availability to confidently take on new projects and react to sudden market opportunities. Otherwise, valuable resources are wasted or misused.

While there’s no silver bullet for capacity planning and resource management, there are four distinct dynamics that can greatly improve success and help an organization become proactive instead of reactive. Together, these dynamics make up what we can call The Capacity Quadrant. The four components that make up this framework are:

  • Visibility: This includes improving visibility across three lenses, those of Demand, Capacity, and finally, the System lens (i.e., using a systems thinking approach to identify the many variables that can impact resource workload, efficiency, and productivity).
  • Prioritization: This requires understanding organizational goals and priorities, creating flexible scoring mechanisms that can encompass all discretionary work (not just large projects), and awareness of the linkages between projects and products on the roadmap.
  • Optimization: Here you can maximize your resources by focusing them on the most critical work; limiting the volume of primary demand objectives; tightening the resources on secondary objectives; and addressing efficiency issues identified during the whole system analysis.
  • Iteration: This involves planning capacity and demand at varying levels of detail at different points in the planning horizon. Early on, top-down high level plans are appropriate, with more detailed planning occurring as the work approaches. The two views should be reconciled during each planning iteration.

In essence, by understanding the four key dynamics that impact capacity planning, organizations can demystify resource management, make more informed decisions, and maximize their resources toward high value activities.

Stay tuned for an upcoming white paper on this topic, where I’ll be exploring the Capacity Quadrant in more detail.

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Rédaction du contenu Jerry Manas

Jerry Manas est un auteur, conférencier et consultant à succès international. Il est fréquemment cité par les plus grandes voix du monde des affaires, notamment le légendaire gourou du management Tom Peters ("In Search of Excellence"), qui fait souvent référence au best-seller de Manas Napoleon on Project Management pour ses idées sur la simplicité et le caractère, et Pat Williams, vice-président senior du Orlando Magic, qui a qualifié le livre de Manas Managing the Gray Areas de "nouvelle voie pour les leaders". Le dernier livre de Jerry est The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook (McGraw-Hill), que Judith E. Glaser, auteur réputé de Conversational Intelligence, a présenté comme "le premier livre consacré à ce qui est essentiellement le moteur des organisations - l'utilisation efficace de son personnel pour ses activités les plus importantes". Par l'intermédiaire de sa société de conseil, The Marengo Group, Jerry aide ses clients à maximiser leurs ressources humaines organisationnelles, ce qui se traduit par une plus grande capacité d'innovation, une main-d'œuvre plus axée sur la valeur et une capacité accrue d'adaptation au changement. Il est un orateur populaire lors d'événements dans le monde entier, parlant des leçons de l'histoire, de la planification des ressources, du changement organisationnel et d'autres sujets. Le travail de Jerry a été souligné dans diverses publications, notamment le Houston Chronicle, le Chicago Sun Times, le National Post, le Globe and Mail et le Huffington Post.