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New Product Release: What’s New in Planview Hub 20.2

Publié le By Naomi Lurie
New Product Release: What’s New in Planview Hub 20.2

Tasktop’s latest product release—Planview Hub 20.2—is out today to make toolchain integration even easier and powerful, enabling large-scale organizations to accelerate the flow of work and business value across their software portfolio.

Key highlights include:

  • More control over operational processes using Conditional Field Flow
  • Conflict resolution at the field-level
  • Enhanced support for Micro Focus ALM Octane, PTC Integrity, SmartBear QAComplete, Intland Codebeamer

Get More Control Over Operational Processes using Conditional Field Flow

In Planview Hub, when setting up bi-directional synchronization between two tools, you configure the default field flow. Now we’re introducing conditional field flow, where you can control field flow with rule-based business logic.

You can create complex rules that govern field flow using any artifact fields from the source collection. You can create multiple rules, which Planview Hub will process sequentially based on the priority you set.

The short demo video below shows an example, where a manufacturer uses conditional field flow to govern how defect fields flow to and from suppliers at different stages of a defect’s life cycle. 

Conflict Resolution—Now Available at the Field-Level

Planview Hub has always allowed you to set up the desired behavior for conflict resolution at the artifact level. Conflict resolution behavior determines whether to issue an error or allow one of the Collections to dominate. 

With Planview Hub 20.2 we’re introducing support for field-level conflict resolution. You can determine the desired behavior for each field individually and set the default for any new fields added to the model in the future. 

This short demo video provides an overview of the new conflict resolution configuration. 

Enhanced Support for Your Tools

We’ve added support for additional artifact types and capabilities to enhance your integrations: 

  • Micro Focus ALM Octane: Moving defects between workspaces is now supported.
  • PTC Integrity: Tickets, Defects and Change Requests are now supported.
  • SmartBear QAComplete: Agile Tasks are now supported for v12 and up and via REST API.
  • Intland Codebeamer: Upstream and downstream references are now supported.

The Easiest, Most Sophisticated Toolchain Integration

Request a highly personalized demo and/or have your value stream architecture mapped by one of our Value Stream Architects to see how Tasktop can help you accelerate business value delivery across your software product portfolio.

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Rédaction du contenu Naomi Lurie

Naomi Lurie est vice-présidente du marketing produit chez Tasktop. Elle est passionnée par la réussite des entreprises grâce à une communication efficace centrée sur le client. Avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience en gestion de produits et en marketing B2B, elle est spécialisée dans les grandes entreprises et leurs transformations numériques.