Found 522 Search Results for Scaling Agile

    18 Pratiques pour l'agilité organisationnelle

    Les chercheurs de McKinsey&Company ont découvert que pour atteindre l'agilité organisationnelle (pour être agile) - que la firme définit comme " capacité de reconfigurer rapidement la stratégie, la structure, les processus, les personnes et la technologie vers des opportunités de création et de protection de la valeur"- les organisations doivent avoir un équilibre approprié entre dynamisme et stabilité. Les pratiques dynamiques sont celles auxquelles on pense souvent...

    The double-sided nature of requirements | Tasktop

    Bad requirements are often cited as the biggest reason why software projects fail. Badly understood or missed requirements drive business executives to despair. The business and development all blame each other for why things went wrong, and ultimately the end users don’t get the system they want. Over the last 20 years, the industry has...

    Premium grade fuel for software lifecycle analytics engines | Tasktop

    I’ve long taken inspiration from Peter Drucker’s caution that “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Technological progress has been punctuated by advances in measurement, ranging from Galileo’s telescope to Intel’s obsession with nanometers. Our industry is starting to go through a profound transformation in measuring how software is built, but only after...

    Project Management Financial Planning Glossary of Terms

    Whether you're studying for project management certification, have had the role of project manager thrust upon you, or have been in the project management field for years and could use a refresher, here is a reference sheet that covers the basic financial terms and concepts on the project management landscape.