Hantering av värdeströmmar

Värdeflödeshantering (VSM) i programvaruleveranserna är en kritisk metod för att lyckas i dagens digitala landskap. Den systematiska metoden för att mäta och förbättra flödet hjälper organisationer att förkorta tiden till marknaden, öka genomströmningen och förbättra produktkvaliteten. Denna bloggkategori för VSM ger pedagogiska insikter, bästa praxis och råd från Planview och branschexperter om hur du kan ta itu med de begränsningar eller problem som du möter i livscykeln för leverans av mjukvara för att uppnå bättre affärsresultat.

The Time Is Now: new report highlights how Value Stream Management tools can “inform product plans and priorities and point to ways to further optimize software delivery and quality”

“Value stream management provides greater transparency, measurement, and control of the software delivery pipeline.” – Elevate Agile-Plus-DevOps with Value Stream Management, Forrester Research, Inc., April 20, 2018 A new report from Forrester Research, Inc.– Elevate Agile-Plus-DevOps with Value Stream Management by Christopher Condo and Diego LoGiudice – has concluded that the “time is right” for Value...

Transportation’s digital transformation

Transportation operators have taken a huge leap in the last decade since data connectivity has become available everywhere. Their digital transformation is awe-inspiring. A fascinating episode of NPR’s Planet Money podcast described UPS’s transformation from a package delivery company to a technology company. The signature brown trucks have become rolling computers full of sensors. Every...

What’s New in Tasktop Integration Hub 18.2

Tasktop Integration Hub 18.2 is available today, introducing a brand new metrics dashboard, support for ALM project domain changes, support for additional operational databases, and increased versatility in container support (hierarchical structures). See What’s Flowing with the New Integration Metrics Dashboard Tasktop has a brand new dashboard where you can see the volumes of artifacts...

What is Value Stream Management in software development and delivery?

“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a value stream, you don’t know what you’re doing” – Karen Martin and Mike Osterling, Value Stream Mapping You’ve heard us talk a lot recently about value streams in software delivery. How leading IT organizations are no longer concentrating on how fast they deliver software, but...

Like Waze for your software development and delivery?

Of all of the things I’ve done while at Tasktop, working on webinars has to be my favorite. Every month, I get the chance to work with intelligent people with unique perspectives on software development and delivery to educate and inspire viewers to improve the way their organizations deliver value to customers. We like to...

What is Traceability in Enterprise Software Delivery?

When people talk about traceability in enterprise software development and delivery, they’re generally referring to “requirements traceability”. Requirements traceability is about tracing the lifecycle of a requirement (i.e., what the end user expects from a new or modified product) and its related design elements (tests, commits, builds, etc.) as it moves downstream towards deployment following a...

Value Streams in Enterprise Software Delivery

First it was “Waterfall”. Then it was “Agile” and “DevOps”. Now the concept du jour in the enterprise software delivery space is “value stream” – and for good reason. Many enterprises in the Fortune 100 are no longer focusing purely on how to build software, but why they’re building software. A seismic shift is taking...

Maximizing Jira – understanding your centers of criticality

If like most enterprises your organization builds its own software, it’s highly likely your developers are using Jira to plan their work. But are you using it to its full potential? That depends on how you’re using Jira within the context of your software delivery value stream. The planning, building and delivery of software products...

Why all CIOs should be prioritizing Software Delivery Value Stream Integration

Waiting 12 months to integrate your software delivery value stream can actually cost an organization up to $10 million a year in productivity overhead The modern enterprise has to consider and prioritize a dizzying array of IT business initiatives. Many of these decisions fall to the CIO – after all, they’re responsible for leading an...