Distansarbete är en säkerhetslösning när sjukdomen blir global

The recent coronavirus outbreak has caused shockwaves across the globe. In just a month’s time, we’ve gone from piecemeal safety measures to mandated shelter-in-place and work-from-home policies that have radically changed the patterns of our lives and work. Meanwhile, recommendations from the CDC develop and change at breakneck speed. For many business leaders, this crisis...

Project management & marketing: Terms you should know

Whether you’re a college grad jumping into the workforce for the first time or a seasoned professional taking on an unexpected opportunity, entering a new field is both challenging and exciting. There are new people to meet, new rules to follow, a new language to learn, and never enough time to get your bearings. If...

Sex karriärvägar med en examen i projektledning

Project management is an increasingly popular field of study at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. One reason so many students and professionals are earning a project management degree is that it can open an amazing variety of options for a future career. Whether you’re an undergraduate student who is just beginning to explore the...

Hur företagsteam kan ta till sig Agile

As the agile methodology becomes more and more popular, business teams are adopting certain aspects of the approach in order to benefit from the speed and flexibility provided by agile. What was once known as a novel approach to software development is now a wide-ranging global business strategy, taking on dozens of different forms as...

5 Agila misstag som du kanske gör (& Hur du slutar)

Though Agile is becoming increasingly popular across the world and in different industries, many teams and organizations that try to adopt Agile project management aren’t seeing the positive outcomes they expect. Just like any methodology, the challenges of Agile project management and its successful implementation are considerable. Here we’ll take a look at some of...

En PM:s guide till projektledningsmetoder

The more time you spend in the world of project management, the more guide to project management methodologies you’ll need to learn. Just as a master carpenter might own hundreds of specialized tools, compared to the basic hammer and saw that a novice woodworker might need, an experienced project manager should be familiar with a...

How PSOs Can Thrive by Creating a Connected Customer Journey

In the past, professional services organizations (PSOs) have used conventional professional services automation (PSA) solutions to address specific revenue-generating functional areas such as invoicing and timesheet compliance. However, as they grow many PSOs are discovering that their technological infrastructure limits their capacity to optimize the project delivery processes and meet customer success goals. As highlighted...

Five Myths About Agile, Debunked

Agile is a methodology that seeks to empower teams to be more flexible and dynamic, allowing them to collaborate better and react more quickly to changes and opportunities. Agile principles can be applied to any industry, but adoption can be undermined due to uncertainty or misunderstandings about what Agile actually is. Let’s take a look...

4 Types of Agile Projects that Aren’t Software

Agile work practices have become the standard for software development across the world, with over 85% of software development teams using it. In fact, it has become so popular that many other industries have started to look into ways to run Agile projects themselves. With Agile’s focus on improving the flexibility and reaction of teams...

Four tips for making your marketing team more efficient

As if it weren’t already competitive enough, the marketing industry has grown tougher than ever in recent years. The pressure is increasing for marketing firms as well as in-house marketing departments. Teams are looking for ways to differentiate themselves in the rapidly-changing worlds of mobile marketing and social media, while simultaneously trying to cut expenses...