Project Portfolio Management

The PMO is under constant pressure. From maintaining standards for project management practices to planning and delivering projects – the PMO needs to be in constant sync with strategy and business outcomes. This PMO blog category provides numerous recommendations from experts to encourage top down and bottom up planning, improve processes, promote stakeholder satisfaction, and ultimately eliminate silos to advance the PMO function. Get expert advice on the pros and cons of adopting a continuous planning model. Experts will also share real-world advice on choosing your next Project Portfolio Management tool and how to #BeThatPMO your business needs.

7 Advantages of Online Project Management Software

Project managers of a certain vintage may find themselves, as I sometimes do, reflecting on the old days – as in a bygone era when rotary phones ruled the earth, when personal computers were neither very personal nor computed all that much, and when project management software was little more than clunky gaant charts and...

Real-Time Collaborative Project Navigation

When Waze, the traffic and navigation app, came out in 2009 I did not understand why it was needed.  At the time, there was an abundance of personal navigation devices (PND) that were by far more efficient than traditional paper maps. I could not understand why another such device was needed, let alone one that...

Tips for Successfully Managing a Virtual Team

Businesses are quickly discovering the benefits of virtual teams–that is, teams where nearly every member works from a remote location. These teams reduce cost, create a much bigger pool of potential applicants and allot for a flexibility that’s difficult to find elsewhere. Additionally, virtual teams come in many shapes and sizes. In many cases, there...

How Different is Project Management in an Ad Agency?

Project managers are a fairly standard feature of corporate culture and most businesses of a certain size require capable and experienced project managers to ensure unimpeded workflow and consistent day-to-day operations. That said, project managers don’t always remain within the corporate setting. At some point, you may find yourself moving from an in-house, corporate team...

Top 3 Reasons Why Projects Succeed

Plenty has been written about why projects fail. There are articles, books, seminars and probably advanced academic degrees on this (who wouldn’t enjoy having a PhD in “Advanced Projectfailureism?). Of course, while knowledge of why projects fail is useful, it’s also pretty bleak. And, with apologies to the economists out there, unless we want to...

4 Fundamental “Leadership Thoughts” for Project Managers

There’s plenty of evidence – and even more good advice – that says “thinking like a leader” is a worthy habit for any project manager who wants to help his or her team rise to the occasion and exceed expectations. However, where’s harder to find in the ocean of leadership wisdom and lore are what...

Why Project Management SaaS?

SaaS, or software as a service, which is often referred to as ‘on demand software’ is defined on Wikipedia as “a software delivery model in which software and its associated data are hosted centrally (typically in the Internet cloud) and are typically accessed by users using a thin client, normally using a web browser over...

Millennials and project management – a complex issue

Guest Post by James D. Burbank, BizzMarkBlog Those who consider themselves voracious consumers of business-oriented publications and online articles have probably noticed an extraordinary amount of text being dedicated to millennials, their traits, their wishes and dreams, and their place in the modern world of business. If we are being honest, one does not even...

Santa’s Workshop – A Planview AdaptiveWork Success Story

Company Overview Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy, or simply “Santa” is a figure with legendary, historical and folkloric origins. In many Western cultures, he is said to bring gifts to the homes of good children on the 24th of December – the night before Christmas Day. Santa’s workshop is the workshop where Santa Claus is said to make the toys and...

5 Multitasking Tips for Project Managers

Let’s start out with this: there’s really no such thing as multitasking. Our big, beautiful human brains, for all of their abilities, cannot pay attention to more than one cognitive task at a time. What’s more, a number of studies and experts (including this one) point out that when we rapidly flip back and forth...