Skift från projekt till produkt

In the bestselling book Project to Product, Planview CTO Dr. Mik Kersten introduces leaders to the missing framework needed to create a Value Stream Network — the technology equivalent of an advanced manufacturing line that comprises thousands of IT professionals.

New in Planview Viz®: Time-to-Market Insights

It’s a fine line … the balance between having enough data and having the right data. For IT and business leaders who are inundated with data from disparate teams and systems, it can be a challenge to understand how—or even whether—the information in front of them truly impacts their business goals. That’s why we built...

7 Ways to Ensure Success When Shifting from Project to Product-Based Software Delivery 

 “The software delivery efficiency of [enterprise IT organizations] is abysmal when compared to that of digital startups or the tech giants” – Dr. Mik Kersten, Project to Product  In an age where new software companies are popping up left, right, and center, traditional enterprises are ill-equipped to compete with these fast-paced digital natives. Most are...

De fyra integrationstyperna för programvaruleverans: för- och nackdelar 

If you’re looking to improve efficiency in your software delivery organization, a good first step is to integrate your toolchain and automate workflows.   The software delivery life cycle is complex and involves many specialists who each require specialized tools. Integration allows information to flow seamlessly from tool to tool, knitting your software delivery toolchain into...

Den digitala omvandlingen inom bankväsendet Case Study Roundup

I takt med att världen blir alltmer digital förväntar sig kunder i alla branscher digital hjälp och support i rätt tid. Som framgår av denna fallstudie om digital omvandling inom bankväsendet har alla företag - inklusive banker - tvingats förändras och utvecklas i takt med tiden. Den digitala omvandlingen är inte så mycket valfri som den är...

Value Stream Management for CIOs: Maturing Technology at the Pace of the Business

The best-performing businesses are customer-obsessed — and it’s paying off. That’s according to research shared by Bobby Cameron, a Vice President and Principal Analyst serving CIOs at Forrester®. Technology is transforming in parallel with a firm’s level of customer obsession because traditional approaches to running IT simply can’t keep up with the rapid pace of...

4 Sätt att optimera OKRs

While OKRs are a popular framework for organizations trying to accelerate their digital transformations, traditional enterprises often face challenges when they try to translate their strategic high-level objectives into key results. Last week, Dr. Mik Kersten and Felipe Castro addressed these challenges head-on during a webinar on Transformative OKRs: Translating Business Strategy into Measurable Outcomes....

When it Comes to Transformation, It’s OK to Break the Rules

Digital transformations often start with some common rules of thumb: “Start small.” “Lift and shift workloads to the Cloud.” “Create a proof of concept for your Agile initiatives, and then scale.” But in one of my favorite talks from DOES Europe 2022, Pieter Jordaan, CTO at TUI Group, describes how they accelerated their digital transformation...

3 Ways to Engage and Accelerate IT with OKRs and Value Stream Management

TIAA, a Fortune 100 financial services organization, manages investments for more than six million clients, totalling more than 1.3 trillion dollars. According to Darrell Fernandes, the Head of Product Technology, the company’s success boils down to its operational strength — an area which Darrell is continuously improving. In Episode 43 of the Mik + One...

The 7 Dimensions of a Project-to-Product Transformation

Our recently published Project to Product Maturity Assessment gives organizations a framework to assess the progress of this massive undertaking. By answering seven easy multiple-choice questions, they find out where they are in their journey and get recommendations on how to advance.  As we started collecting responses, we realized how lucky we are to have...