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Value Stream Management

Comment la visibilité sur les chaînes de valeur optimise la livraison de logiciels

Publié le By Patrick Anderson

A software development and delivery lifecycle typically comprises many people, teams, tools and disciplines. Often the data within these multiple components is siloed and visibility across the value stream is poor (or even non-existent). Ultimately this means the quality and speed of the software delivery suffers, IT projects fail and Agile and DevOps transformations struggle to scale.

None of the popular best-in-breed software tools provide automated traceability across the value stream from ideation to production, meaning critical activity data is only reported in those individual tools. As a result, IT leaders have a fractured view into the health of their software delivery, inhibiting them from detecting patterns, spotting inefficiencies or tackling bottlenecks.

If tools within the value stream are not integrated, then there is no end-to-end visibility into the evolution of an artifact as it moves through the lifecycle. The lack of a holistic overview means it’s very hard to ascertain how the artifact has evolved across the disciplines and tools being used in the project, so the context of the artifact and the semantic understanding is lost.

However with Tasktop, whenever any of the artifacts change in any of the connected tools, this activity data is streamed to a centralized database. From there, data can be manipulated and visualized using standard business intelligence tools by stakeholders involved in the lifecycle. This provides the basis of a comprehensive metrics and governance programs, including:

  • Visibility into the full lifecycle of software development and delivery from ideation to production
  • Data for real-time insight into the state of application delivery and value creation
  • Consolidated metrics and KPIs for management, optimization and transformation
  • Automated traceability across the entire lifecycle

The data helps organizations to:

  • Identify bottlenecks in the value stream
  • Automate the creation traceability reports for governance programs
  • Obtain a consolidated view of the status of application delivery
  • Merge application delivery metrics with financial reporting data to determine the true cost and benefits of IT initiatives

Tasktop provides this data and enables end-to-end visibility, traceability and more. For more information, see our brand new website and contact us today to discuss how we can give you complete visibility into your software lifecycle for optimized decision-making that will help you drive your Agile and DevOps transformations.


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Rédaction du contenu Patrick Anderson

Patrick est directeur principal du contenu chez Tasktop et supervise les programmes de contenu et de leadership éclairé de l'entreprise. En dehors du bureau, vous le trouverez en train de lire, d'écrire, de taper quelques basses (mal), de divaguer dans la nature et de suivre son équipe de football (soccer) anglaise, West Ham United.