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Blog Planview

Mener la conversation sur le travail numérique connecté

Gestion de portefeuilles de projets

Favorisez une collaboration efficace avec Planview AdaptiveWork Go pour MS Teams

Publié le Par l'équipe AdaptiveWork

Planview AdaptiveWork Go is purpose-built to allow you to work the way you want.  This ideology is on full display within the product, as you can execute in either Scrum, Kanban or Scrumban styles depending on the work which needs to be done. This theme also persists in the way that Planview AdaptiveWork Go plays well with other apps.

Take Planview AdaptiveWork Go for Microsoft Teams as an example. This native integration allows you to manage your work directly in MS Teams, perform task related actions in MS Team Chat, and send/receive notifications so that you never miss an important update.

We’ve put together this quick video tutorial on how to set-up the integration and a walkthrough of the features which Planview AdaptiveWork Go for Teams provides.

This integration provides real-time visibility into a specific Tasks’ details such as description, assignees, status, due dates, hours logged/remaining and more!  Better yet, changes can be made to these same Task details within the MS Teams Chat window. Last but certainly not least, any project stakeholders and colleagues who are part of that specific Workspace or Task will be instantly notified in MS Teams of any changes made, thereby keeping everyone informed.

But what if you have a colleague or customer who uses MS Teams and need to be kept informed, but who isn’t a Planview AdaptiveWork Go user?  Not a problem! Planview AdaptiveWork Go already supports guest users, providing controlled access for those who need to know. Through this, an entire project crew can be updated in their MS Teams app instantly as the work progresses forward, without you having to draw up yet another status update email.

With Planview AdaptiveWork Go for Teams, your project team can collaborate more effectively to achieve their project goals in a timely fashion directly from their favorite corporate collaboration platform. Just another example in a long list of ways in which Planview AdaptiveWork Go allows you to “Work the Way You Want”.

If you’re already a Planview AdaptiveWork Go customer, you can begin leveraging this integration by downloading it on Microsoft’s AppSource.

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